The 2025 Summer Season races are coming up very quickly, the entering of these events can prove confusing for the first few times. Below is information that might prove useful for the novice entrants on how to enter races. Details of all races can be found at or If you have any questions either speak to your trainer or the Hemel Race Manager, Lyndsay Flitton, Sarah Warne or Steve Lambert.
NB The ERSA booking site is currently being updated, entries will be available from mid-February 2025.
ERSA EVENTS, these are entered on line at , the first ERSA race takes place at Norfolk on Sunday 18 May. To enter go to “Search Racer” from the left hand task bar. If found follow the instructions, if not found register your details. When this is unlocked you will be able to enter, initially you may enter without payment but it is recommended that you complete payment at the time of entry. Unlike the Hemel booking site you may pay for all entries you are responsible for on the same login. However entries will need to be individual. All ERSA events are taken on a first come basis, they do become full. As in previous years ERSA will initially not accept racers from without the region. The ERSA Hemel Summer League is on Saturday 07 June.
SE National Races – Diary Date : HEMEL CLUB NATIONAL Saturday 12 July. (Club National, GBR and Championship events) all these events, both Indoor and Outdoor, must be pre booked and paid for by the closing date. The closing date is normally the Friday one week before the event (9 days). If SSE registered you may enter these events online at PLEASE CHECK THAT YOU ARE ELIGABLE BEFORE ENTERING GBR OR CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS. If NOT SSE registered you may still enter the Club National Events, these are the next SMALL step up from the ERSA races and are suitable for all Club Members. You will need to fill in the Athletes Declaration and SSE Day Entry Form. (Click titles to download forms) These must be posted/handed to the race secretary, with the race entry fee, of the event you are entering before the closing date. Unlike last season payment will need to be given on entry, also a view of entries is not supported on the SSE site.
The race secretary for the Hemel Club National is:
Tara Mcleish, Christophers, Newney, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 3SE