Get your Hemel Beanie, available now to purchase from the booking site”” Currently only Black available.
This group is for the sale of second hand ski equipment to include skis, poles, ski wear, goggles, shin guards, arm guards, back protectors, ski Boots etc. All transactions take place between the interested parties with no interaction with HSRC club.. This site is for...
HSRC Club Kit
New Hemel Ski Race Club kit We have been busy working on a complete new kit for this year, with a new and bespoke design of clothing and a revamped and distinctive logo. A lot of thought has gone in to keeping the Hemel Ski Club colours whilst making the kit stand out...
Hot Box UK Ski-Sharpening Service
Hot Box UK Ski-Sharpening Service The outdoor dry-slope ski racing season has just started. Are your skis ready to compete??? Sharp and well waxed skis are important for artificial slope races, they give you that very small edge in a sprint race where positions are...
Notice to club members: If needing "race gear" S+R have kindly offered a 10% discount on race equipment prices to all current club members. This is valid ony at the Hemel Snow Centre store. If wishing to take advantage of this offer from our supporter please advise...