English Alpine Championships 2022
English Alpine 2022 Recent developments in the COVID situation (including the introduction of additional restrictions inItaly - the so-called Super Green Pass) mean that it is not possible to say that the Championships willdefinitely go ahead, although the current...
HSRC Membership 2019/20
Period of membership: 1st November 2019 - 31st October 2020 HSRC MEMBERSHIP Membership for the coming year is now due. We would like to thankyou for your continued support during the last year and invite you to rejoin the HSRC membership for the coming year. To join...
Alpine Race Official, Level 3 Training
Alpine Race Official, Level 3 Training Course Wed 28 Aug 19 Snowsport England hope to run an L3 training course at the Snowsport England office on 12th and 13th October. Please share this link as widely as possible and complete it, or encourage people to complete it,...
2019/20 FIS Licence’s
FIS Licence Applications Tue 25 Jun 19 The 'early bird' discount for FIS licences only runs until June 30th so if you are intending to compete in FIS races in the 2019-20 season then visit GB Snowsport today to apply for your licence.
Hemel Club National – June 8 2019 – Entry Procedure
The Hemel Club National takes place on Saturday 8 June, The club does need your support at this race. It is, second to the Hemel Championships, the most important race organised by the Club. This race is suitable for all of the membership, old, young, experienced and...
What happens at an ERSA Race
https://vimeo.com/70173108 Taken a few years ago this film gives an insight to the ERSA series. Fun events suitable for all be it novice, experienced or racing for the first time.
Clubs on national seed lists
As the winter races continue followed by the Summer series of races it is important that the club names that appear on the national seed lists - and therefore the clubs that show up on competition start lists and results which are part of your registration with your...
Changes to British Competition Equipment (Ski) Rules
What. The British Competition Equipment (Ski) rules are changing to allow the use of non-regulation skis in all races except National level events. National level events are the three HN Championships (Welsh, Scottish and English) and the British National...